To intensify the agribusiness support for the Filipino farmers and fisherfolk, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by the Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) during the 45th Philippine Business Conference Expo on October 17, 2019 at the Manila Hotel.
Signed by DA Secretary William Dar, DTI Secretary Ramon Lopez, and PCCI President Alegria Sibal Limjoco, the MOU reinforces the commitment of the government and the private sector for a stronger collaboration and implementation of the Agribusiness Support for Promotion and Investment in Regional Expositions (ASPIRE) to support growth in agriculture.
The agreement hopes to create more businesses and jobs to the rural community by linking farmers directly to the market. It will integrate marketing development support services to farmers, fisherfolk, micro-small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and other stakeholders.
Dar and Lopez also signed a separate MOU as a commitment of DA and DTI to proactively work together in increasing the growth of agriculture sector and promoting agribusiness entrepreneurs.
“This partnership will serve as a reminder that inclusive agribusiness anchored with value-chain system will work in the country,” Dar said.
Dar encouraged big businesses to open their minds and hearts and partner with small farmers so that everyone will move up, adding that DA is set to institutionalize agricultural industrialization.
“Big business must come forward today to help realize the dream of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte to enrich farmers in the countryside. Rural-based industries from agriculture is necessary to unlock the potential of this sector,” Dar said.
The agri chief added that the big business sector would jumpstart agriculture as a major contributor to the economy.
Meanwhile, Lopez said the DA-DTI partnership will strengthen the linkage between agriculture and industry, stressing that agriculture must adopt a value-adding approach, and make innovative and creative agriculture-based products to create more market opportunities. ### (Kristel Merle, DA-AFID)