Department of Agriculture Senior Undersecretary Domingo F. Panganiban met with H.E. Nathaniel G. Imperial, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN agencies based in Rome, regarding the priorities, current issues, and cooperation interests related to Philippine food and agriculture.
On October 18, 2023, the Senior Undersecretary visited the Philippine Embassy in Rome and discussed the possible support that the Embassy and Permanent Representation to Rome-based UN Agencies could provide.
During the discussion, Sr. Usec. Panganiban appreciated the Ambassador’s interest and support for Philippine agriculture and expressed that he looks forward to joining forces with the Ambassador through the Philippine Agriculture Office in Rome to further strengthen the Embassy’s food and agriculture promotion engagements in Italy, as well as supporting the work of the Permanent Representation to Rome based agencies of the United Nations.
Panganiban was in Rome leading the Philippine delegation in its participation in the World Food Forum flagship event in 2023 at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome from October 16-20, 2023.
In April 2018, with the assistance of Senate President Pro-Tempore Loren Legarda, the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippine Government acquired the current building of the Philippine Embassy in Rome. The property, originally built and designed as a family villa in 1906, has undergone several transformations over the years. It has served as a summer residence for a pope, a property of a football club owner, a residence for a foreign diplomat, and most recently, an office building. Renovations on the building began in 2019 and were completed in 2021, culminating in its inauguration.
In photo are: Ms. Jacqueline Nicolas, Agriculture Assistant; Mr. Dean Marc Bolima, International Organizations Desk Officer to Rome-based UN Food Agencies and Desk Officer covering Italy; Dr. Josyline Javelosa, Philippine Deputy Permanent Representative to Rome-based UN Food Agencies and Agriculture Attaché to Italy; Agriculture Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban; H.E. Nathaniel Imperial, Philippine Ambassador to Italy and Permanent Representative to Rome-based UN Agencies; Ms. Nina Cainglet, Philippine Deputy Chief of Mission and Deputy Permanent Representative to Rome-based UN Agencies; and, Mr. Lev Nikko Macalintal, Special Technical Assistant of the DA Senior Undersecretary. ###