Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol expresses his admiration to the resilience of the residents of Marinduque badly affected by the onslaught of typhoon Nina, which brought havoc to the some of the country’s food producing provinces towards the end of 2016. Piñol who was in the province as part of his first Biyaheng Bukid leg for the year awarded 50 marine engines from Bureau of Fisheries Aquatic Resources, which forms part of the P16-million agricultural assistance from the government. The package includes a P6.3M for the rehabilitation program for both agriculture and fishery industries and P10M fund for the establishment of the Provincial Lakatan Nursery. While in Boac, Marinduque, Piñol held face to face dialogues with the agri-fishery stakeholders of the province together with DA Undersecretary for Operations Ariel T. Cayanan, and Undersecretary for Fisheries Eduardo Gongona. ### (photo by Alan Jay Jacalan)