Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol assures farmers and fisherfolk of Aklan that the agency will provide proactive support to those who will be affected by the six-month closure of Boracay Island in Malay.
“I have to admit that I was one of those who pushed for the closure of Boracay. But before the problem sets in, I would like to have solutions already. I want to hear out your concerns and the subsidies you need,” Piñol said.
During a forum held on April 12 in Kalibo, Piñol requested Vice Governor Reynaldo M. Quimpo to convene and discuss with the agri stakeholders in Aklan on the possible impact of the island closure to their agri-fishery livelihood.
Since majority of the farmers and fisherfolk in Aklan are marketing their produce to Boracay, Piñol committed to deliver necessary interventions to them.
“We will provide you even emergency loan,” he added.
“Aklanons are very good in fishpond operation. We encourage you to put up fish cages here. I am planning to devise a loaning program for fish cage operators. In Mindanao, they are earning as high as P700,000 to P1 million income every six months in each bangus fish cage with P2 million to P3 million capital,” Piñol shared.
The agri chief also convened all regional directors of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in a workshop held at New Washington, Aklan. He urged them to intensify their efforts in making the Philippines number one again in milkfish industry worldwide.
“Instead of subsidies, we will go for easy access credit,” said Piñol who approved the P39-million Production Loan Easy Access (PLEA) program for Aklan.
In order to capacitate farmers from land preparation up to storage, the DA will offer Farm Machinery and Equipment Loan of up to P50 million to eligible farmers’ associations and cooperatives.
Piñol said that the department will do away with the long bidding process. “With only two percent interest per year equipment loan, we target that a farmer association could buy a complete package of machineries and can provide quality farm service to their locality,” he said.
He also stressed that eligible farmers’ group can choose their preferred brand of machineries with this new loaning program of DA.
Piñol together with DA 6 Regional Executive Director Remelyn R. Recoter and Aklan Vice Governor Reynaldo M. Quimpo turned over farm machineries worth P1,960,000 to the different farmers’ groups who are beneficiaries of the Yolanda Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program. ### (Sheila Mae H. Toreno/ DA 6 Information)