Agriculture Undersecretary for Operations Ariel Cayanan together with (left to right) Bruce Tolentino of the International Rice Research Institute, Director Andrew Villacorta of the Field Operations Services, Dr. Sailila E. Abdula and Dr. Jimmy P. Quilang of the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) discuss initiatives and measures on how to further improve rice production under the Philippine Rice Information System (PRISM). The system, to be operated and sustained by DA through PHILRICE, IRRI and the Regional Field Offices, aims to aid the Department of Agriculture by providing accurate, timely, and detailed information on rice crop seasonality, area, yield, pest injuries, crop management, and damage assessment. Ultimately, it will result in improved decision-making and planning related to rice security. For more information about PRISM, please visit www.riceinfo.ph. (photo by Gian Carlo Luague/DA-AFID)