The Department of Agriculture, led by Undersecretary Alvin John F. Balagbag, participated in three Ministerial Meetings on food, agriculture, and forestry from 22-25 October 2024. These included the 46th ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (46th AMAF), the 24th ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry Plus Three (China, Japan, and Korea; 24th AMAF +3), and the 8th ASEAN-India Ministers’ Meeting on Agriculture and Forestry (8th AIMMAF). The meetings, chaired by Myanmar, were held virtually.
The 46th AMAF Meeting reaffirmed ASEAN’s commitment to promoting cooperation in the food, agriculture, and forestry sectors. The ASEAN Member States (AMS) expressed appreciation to the Senior Officials and the Working Groups for the progress on the implementation of the key deliverables for 2024. These include the Priority Economic Deliverables (PED) under the recently concluded ASEAN Chairmanship of Lao PDR: the ASEAN Leaders Declaration on Promoting Sustainable Agriculture, the Action Plan for Sustainable Agriculture in ASEAN, the AMAF Statement on Crop Burning Reduction in ASEAN, and the ASEAN Guidelines for Crop Burning Reduction.
In his remarks, Undersecretary Balagbag emphasized that the endorsement of these documents signifies a unified vision among the region’s stakeholders, underscoring a collective commitment to advancing sustainable agricultural practices. This concerted effort is aimed at tackling both current and emerging agricultural challenges, ensuring the long-term viability and resilience of the region’s agricultural sector.
The 46th AMAF Meeting identified several key priority areas for collaboration in the coming years and encouraged the relevant ASEAN Sectoral Working Groups to continue their efforts in implementing vital initiatives concerning food, agriculture, and forestry. These initiatives include:
– Promoting sustainable agriculture through the Action Plan on Sustainable Agriculture.
– Minimizing crop burning reduction in the region through the implementation of the ASEAN Guidelines on Crop Burning Reduction.
– Reducing the use of harmful agrochemicals and eliminating crop burning.
– Advancing Nature-based Solutions/Ecosystem-based Approach through the implementation of the ASEAN Strategy on Sustainable Management of Mangrove Ecosystem.
– Combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the livestock, aquaculture, and fisheries sectors.
– Promoting the use of Biocontrol Agents (BCAs) in the agriculture sector, including crop, livestock, aquaculture, and fisheries.
– Ensuring sustainable soil and water resources through the application of good agricultural practices.
– Encouraging the adoption of regenerative agriculture and digital technologies in the food, agriculture, and forestry sectors.
The Meeting also discussed the preparation for the Post-2025 Vision and Sectoral Plan for Food, Agriculture, and Forestry for the period 2026-2030. The Meeting encouraged all relevant stakeholders, international organizations, and ASEAN partners to collaborate with the ASEAN Secretariat and the Task Force responsible for developing the Post-2025 Action Plan for the Food, Agriculture, and Forestry sector.
In the 24th AMAF +3 Meeting, Undersecretary Balagbag extended gratitude to the Plus Three Countries (China, Japan, and Korea) for their significant contributions to the implementation of the ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation Strategy on Food, Agriculture, and Forestry (APTCS). This strategy serves as a roadmap for enhanced regional cooperation. Under the APTCS, China, Japan, and Korea have implemented more than fifty (50) projects under nine strategic thrusts, aiming to attain regional food security by addressing key agricultural challenges through relevant key areas.
Undersecretary Balagbag also expressed appreciation to the Plus Three Countries for their unwavering commitment to meeting food security concerns on rice, especially in times of calamities and disasters, and to reducing severe hunger and poverty. The Philippines has been a recipient of stockpiled rice under the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve Tier 3 Program (APTERR), which has immensely benefitted the country in times of urgent need.
Through the APTERR Tier 3 Program, the Philippines was able to receive 750MT of rice from the Republic of Korea benefitting 18,750 affected families by flood, landslide, and earthquakes, and 300 MT from Japan distributed to the victims following the eruption of Mt. Mayon Volcano in the Province of Albay. Undersecretary Balagbag also commended the new initiative under the APTERR Tier 3 Program entitled School Distribution Program wherein the Philippines received 20 MT of rice for its pilot implementation benefitting 1,930 students.
Lastly, for the 8th AIMMAF, Undersecretary Balagbag recognized the collaborative efforts of India with the ASEAN Member States towards the progress of the implementation of the Medium Term Plan of Action for ASEAN-India Cooperation in Agriculture and Forestry (2021-2025). He encouraged the ASEAN Member States to continue advancing the region’s shared goals by pursuing more impactful projects. He also expressed that the ASEAN region and India possess vast potential for further collaboration and knowledge exchange in areas such as digital agriculture and smart farming, the development of food value chain systems and marketing channels, the establishment of efficient logistics systems, and the strengthening of research for development and extension linkages to forge stronger partnerships with stakeholders.
As the Philippines will assume the Chairmanship of the next AMAF meeting, Undersecretary Balagbag expressed the Philippines’ readiness to host the ASEAN Member States’ AMAF Leaders, SOM, and delegates to the 47th ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry Meeting and Related Meetings in the last week of September 2025 in Metro Manila.
The AMAF is the highest decision-making body on food, agriculture, and forestry concerns under the ASEAN region. Currently, the specific areas under the ASEAN cooperation in agriculture and food include food security, food safety, halal food, crops, livestock, agricultural training and extension, agricultural cooperatives, and joint cooperation in agriculture and forest products promotion scheme.
The Meetings ended in the usual ASEAN spirit of cordiality and friendship. ###