Department of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol together with delegates from DA and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) embarked on a three-day exploration last May 5-7 to Benham Rise (now known as Philippine Rise) which is believed to house a P25-billion food supply potential for the country. During the trip, DA released payaos (fish aggregating devices) to attract smaller fishes which may serve as food to the bigger fish species. “These are just some of the pro-active measures that DA undertakes towards the sustainability of the marine resources, to ensure bountiful catch for our fishermen. A floating facility in the Benham Bank (the shallowest portion of Philippine Rise) which includes a big cold storage facility, patrol station, weather observation station and dock for fishermen who carry out their activities in the area is also in our future plans.” Piñol added. (photo by Alan Jay Jacalan/DA-AFID)