Government recognizes achievers for 2017
The Philippine rice sector has long been exposed to undetermined factors that have constantly battered pre-, post- and actual production season. These include changing and evolving weather patterns, the steady increase in the cost of farm inputs, and unavailability of efficient and durable farm machineries.
Last year, despite various circumstances that have inevitably affected productivity, rice production grew by 9.4% translating to 1.65 million metric tons (MMT) yield in 2017. This growth pushed for a total of 19.28 MMT rice production.
Experts correlate the positive growth with sufficient irrigation, favorable weather conditions and use of high yielding seed varieties. More importantly, the national government’s staunch support and interventions including the assistance in technology, credit and mechanization resulted to the surge in rice production.
In addition, the strengthened partnership between the Department of Agriculture and the major stakeholders of the rice industry has propelled improved productivity.
The Rice Achievers Awards is a cordial, incentive-based competition launched as part of a grander strategy to achieve self-sufficiency in rice. It seeks to acquire the full cooperation and support of the local government, organized groups of farmers and irrigators, and extension workers, and enable them to take action in all activities involved in food production.
Since its launch in 2011, RAA continues to recognize and confer awards to local government units, farmers’ associations, and agricultural extension workers for their effective execution of plans of actions aimed at ensuring sufficiency and sustainability in the country’s major staple and securing national food production. (Photo credit to Gwen Nacorda of Bohol, entry #119 of the 1st DA National Photography Contest)