Official Statement of Secretary Manny Piñol
April 17, 2018
The decision of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte to place the National Food Authority (NFA), the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) and the Fertilizer and Pesticides Authority (FPA) will be an added task and challenge to the Department of Agriculture.
As Agriculture Secretary and on behalf of people working with me, we accept the added responsibility and challenge.
The return of these three agencies to DA will further strengthen the department’s capability to undertake its mission to provide available and affordable food for the Filipino people.
Immediately, the following measures will be undertaken:
· Ensure that NFA will have a buffer stock good for at least 60 days.
· Strengthen local palay procurement to protect Filipino farmers and conduct surgical rice distribution operations to address rising prices of rice.
· Conduct the rice importation process in a transparent and above board process to implement the Presidents directive that there is no corruption.
· For PCA, the cocolisap problem in Mindanao will be given utmost attention while the replanting program will be intensified.
· High value crops program will be integrated in the coconut development program.
· For Fertilizer and Pesticides, a review of regulations covering the pricing of fertilizers and pesticides will immediately be undertaken.
· Safeguards against the entry of dangerous and harmful chemicals used as herbicides, pesticides and fungicides will be strengthened.
I and my fellow workers in the DA thank President Duterte for his trust and confidence in us.
We will perform the task and rise up to the challenge. # # # (Photo grabbed from FB page of Secreary Manny Piñol)