The Department of Agriculture (DA) thru the Field Operations Service (FOS) will spearhead the 5th Makina Expo for 2017 on September 7-9, 2017. Opening ceremony will be attended by the DA Secretary and Officials, Committee Chair from Senate & House of Representatives and Officials from LGUs.
Enhance awareness and access to agri-mechanization technologies available in the country as well as from other countries, and related government policies.
Exhibit and product demonstration of latest agricultural production, postharvest, and processing machines and equipment for crops, livestock and fishery, including irrigation technologies.
- Venue for Exhibits and Lectures/Seminars – Iloilo Convention Center
- Venue for Machine Derby/Challenge and machine Demonstration – Western Visayas Integrated Agricultural Research Center (WESVIARC)
Activities to be undertaken:
– Exhibit and showcase of latest and available agri-mechanization and irrigation machinery & equipment both local and international for crops, livestock and fishery;
– Available mechanization support services from Department of Agriculture (DA) and other government agencies;
– Conduct of machine ‘derby/challenge’ for selected brand and type of machines (comparing construction, performance, endurance, cost & benefit);
– Seminars/lectures to disseminate mechanization technologies, program guidelines, policies and other information;
– Resource speakers from other countries to provide insights on their countries’ mechanization technologies and practices including latest trends in agri-mechanization;
– Launching of the NAFMP/AFMech ERN; and
– Study tours/games/raffles for the participants
- Speakers from other country will present during the plenary session (30-45 min presentation
- Participants – will include farmers, local manufacturers, DA implementers, other national agency representatives, Local Government Units (LGUs), students/academe, machine exhibitors (local/international), international resource speakers.