Agriculture Undersecretary for Agribusiness and Marketing Jose Gabriel M. La Viña (3rd from right) welcomes the delegation of the Government of Uttar Pradesh of India headed by the Minister of Agriculture in Agricultural Education and Research H.E. Shru Surya Pratap Shahi (4th from right) after returning from a trip to the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) on August 10, 2018. The delegation visited IRRI to explore innovations on rice farming in the country in the hopes of addressing issues on rice productivity and climate change, as well as ensure food security in the South Asia region. Aside from rice, Minister Shahi expressed interest sharing of technological know-how’s on production of potato, wheat, sugar cane and milk. The Indian government supports the establishment of IRRI South Asia Research Center in Varanasi, India. ### (Photo by Gian Carlo Luague, DA-AFID)