Agriculture Secretary Manny F. Piñol expressed his appreciation to the personnel of the Department of Agriculture (DA) during the celebration of the 121st Founding Anniversary of DA, held on June 27, 2019 at the DA Central Office compound in Quezon City.
The agri chief stressed that in spite of the claim of some people of an underperformance by the DA, he is happy that the employees have continuously performed well.
The secretary added that the DA has responded well to the needs of the Filipino farmers.
“I am proud of you my dear DA employees, but it’s a long way to go and so I encourage you to be loyal to the Department,” he said.
Piñol also said that in his three years as Secretary, there were no major issues, and no cases of corruption and anomaly.
“I am happy that we have maintained our clean image as government servants,” he said.
The DA, which officially opened its services to the Filipino people on June 23, is one of the first government agencies created in 1898 after the declaration of the Philippine Independence. (Oda Rodriguez, DA-AFID)