Department of Agriculture (DA) Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban paid a courtesy visit to the Korea Program on International Agriculture (KOPIA) Center located at the DA-Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) in Los Baños, Laguna on November 23, 2022.
Together with BPI Director Gerald Glenn Panganiban, BPI Assistant Director Herminigilda Gabertan, and Center Chief Flora Jarilla, Undersecretary Panganiban discussed with KOPIA Center Director Kyu Seong Lee various technology demonstration projects, among other matters.
The DA officials and partners from the Turbulent Drip Sales, Inc. (TDSI) and Bukid Amara also visited the KOPIA Smart Greenhouse wherein relevant technologies for vegetable production are promoted. ### (photos by Gian Carlo Luague, DA-AFID)