Author: DA-AFID | 26 January 2023
The Department of Agriculture (DA) will once again partner with the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) and the Charoen Pokphand Foods Philippines Corporation (CP Foods) to benefit both the livestock and aquaculture industries.
During a meeting on January 25, 2023, DA Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban instructed the DA-Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), DA-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), and the DA-Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC) to closely coordinate with the DBP and CP Foods to formulate an expanded financing program for hog raisers and shrimp farmers in priority areas nationwide.
In 2021, the DA, DBP, and the Thailand-based agro-industrial and food conglomerate also partnered in launching the Swine Rehabilitation, Repopulation and Recovery Credit (Swine R3) program in support of the government’s effort to revive the local hog industry.