In succeeding months, more organized backyard livestock and poultry farms will rise in the countryside as the Department of Agriculture (DA) implements an expanded livestock and poultry production and livelihood project.
“With this initiative, we aim to help farm families recover from the loss of jobs and unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and those whose hogs and poultry stocks were depopulated due to the African Swine Fever or avian influenza (bird flu), respectively,” said Agriculture Secretary William Dar.
Under the project, qualified beneficiaries will receive initial stocks of livestock and poultry animals for them to raise and propagate as source of food and sustainable income.
These include chicks for broiler production, or ready-to-lay pullets for table egg production, or free-range chicken, ducks, swine (for ASF free areas), goats, sheep, cattle, and carabao.
The DA’s expanded livestock and poultry production and livelihood project has an initial budget of P337 million (M) and forms part of the DA’s national livestock program (NLP).
To attain the project’s objectives, qualified beneficiaries are required to group themselves into clusters with at least 15 members, or be a member of a farmers’ cooperative, association or peoples’ organization.
Tasked as project implementer, the DA-Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) has identified initial beneficiaries who will be clustered per area.
Beneficiaries may start realizing gains as early as two months for those engaged in broiler production, and four to six months for those in chicken egg production, and raising of hogs, goats, and sheeps.
Included, too, in the project guidelines is the provision of animal feed for three months to enable beneficiaries to nourish and fatten their stocks into marketable weight or age.
Farm tools, equipment, and machinery may also be given to selected beneficiaries.
The project beneficiaries per module may receive the following:
- Broiler production – 100 chicks worth P15,000;
- Native chicken and egg production – 40 hens, 10 roosters, feeds, and incubator, worth P55,000;
- Duck and balut production – 40 ducks and 10 drakes, worth P35,000;
- Hog production – three piglets (weaners) and eight bags of feeds, worth P25,000; and
- Livestock production – three does and 1 buck, one cattle or one carabao, at least P30,000 up to P120,000.
In all, the national livestock program (NLP) aims to promote animal and poultry breeding and production, particularly of meat, eggs, and milk, said DA Undersecretary for Livestock and Poultry William Medrano.
His team is tasked to ensure the smooth implementation of the NLP in coordination with the DA regional field offices in collaboration with the local government units. ### (Patrick Raymund Lesaca, DA StratComms)