The Department of Agriculture (DA) — in tandem with the provincial and municipal government officials and veterinarians — has successfully managed, controlled, and contained the Avian Influenza (AI) A(H5N6) incidence that occurred in Jaen, Nueva Ecija, four months ago.
In its official report to the OIE or World Organization for Animal Health on July 16, 2020, the DA-Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) said it has not detected any cases of AI A(H5N6) among poultry farms in the vicinity of the index or affected farm in Jaen, in the last 90 days, after completion of cleaning and disinfection procedures of the affected farm.
“We commend the strong partnership among the quail farm owner, provincial and municipal officials and veterinarians, and our DA Central Luzon Regional Field Office (RFO 3) and BAI team for successfully solving the AI A(H5N6) incidence in Jaen, Nueva Ecija,” said Agriculture Secretary William Dar.
Upon confirmation of the AI incidence on March 13, 2020, the DA in tandem with the farm owner, local officials, and veterinarians immediately “stamped out” the affected farm, properly disposed off all birds, and undertook thorough cleaning and disinfection procedures, said DA-BAI Director Ronnie Domingo.
A series of surveillance activities were also undertaken to determine the extent of infection and capture unreported cases, added Domingo.
“All laboratory tests yielded negative results for both quarantine and surveillance zones. Early reporting and early multi-agency response provided effective closure of the Nueva Ecija avian flu incident,” said Domingo in a report to Secretary Dar.
The avian flu incidence at a quail farm, in Barangay Ulanin-Pitak, in Jaen, was initially reported by the Nueva Ecija Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO), on March 9, 2019. On March 13, 2020, laboratory tests showed the infected quails were positive for AI A(H5N6).
The PVO, along with the Jaen Municipal Agriculture Office (MAO), DA-RFO 3, and DA-BAI Veterinary Quarantine Service veterinarians and technical persons, conducted immediate disease control measures and depopulation to mitigate the spread of the disease on March 14, 2020. Subsequently, cleaning and disinfection were implemented, said Domingo.
Surveillance around the 1-km and 7-km radius was carried out, and quarantine checkpoints were established to restrict movement and trade of all poultry animals, and to ensure that the disease has not progressed, he added.
Avian influenza surveillance is a regular activity of the DA. Thus, it urges poultry farmers and the public to report immediately any unusual bird mortalities to DA-BAI at: 09951329339, 09208543119 or 09618889029. ### (DA-BAI & DA StratComms)