To intensify and expand the promotion of urban agriculture program and attain family household food security, the Department of Agriculture’s (DA), through the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) and the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), joined the first meetup of Urban Green Communes (UGC), a recently formed organization of community and individual gardeners in Metro Manila.
BPI Asst. Director Glenn Panganiban and ATI Development Management Officer Romermart Peñamora presented updates on various initiatives of DA’s urban agriculture program to more than 20 community gardens in 10 cities. The cities in Metro Manila include Caloocan, Las Pinas, Makati, Mandaluyong, Manila, Muntinlupa, Paranaque, Pasig, Taguig, and Quezon City.
“The 2021 goal is to have a city-level community of community gardens in every city in Metro Manila,” said Atty. JC Tejano, one of the founders and members of UGC.
In the meetup, BPI Asst. Dir. Panganiban emphasized the importance of “proof of concept” in showing the public how urban agriculture can successfully work and function effectively as DA first envisioned it to be. He added the importance of changing the mindset of the youth on farming and starting them young as this experience will guide them to appreciate farming more.
“I hope you can spread the word through your good experiences and good vibes so that more people can engage in urban agriculture,” Panganiban added.
Meanwhile, Mr. Peñamora cited the various initiatives of ATI in the establishment of urban agriculture gardens in communities, schools, universities, and public offices showcasing various technologies, as well as the provision of starter kits and access to information and knowledge on urban agriculture.
Both BPI and ATI provide free seeds and seedlings to community gardens that are in need of propagation.
UGC is a grassroot community of urban gardeners that aims to promote community gardening in Metro Manila. It consists of a community of advocates, organizers, educators, enthusiasts, community leaders and volunteers, and growers.
The meetup provided an opportunity for knowledge exchange between national and local stakeholders emphasizing the government’s advocacy and effort to make urban gardening respond to household food security under the “New Normal”. ### (Rita dela Cruz, DA StratComms)