Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol briefs President Rodrigo Duterte on the “Circle of Life” fish-growing tanks in Barangay New Janiuay, M’lang, North Cotabato during its launching on February 03, Friday. The Circle of Life fish tanks were designed by Rocky French and uses two cylindrical tanks as growing area for tilapia fingerlings and vegetables through aquaponics. The fish tanks could raise up to 10,000 tilapia fingerlings to an average size of 3 to 4 kilos per fish in four to five months in one tank using the “Venturi System” while the other tank could grow “kangkong.” The “kangkong” will will serve as natural filter for the used water from the fish tank, and the filtered water is pumped back to the tilapia tank. The Circle of Life will be used by the Department of Agriculture to promote alternative livelihood and food source for farming communities in rural areas around the country. ### (photo by Alan Jacalan, AFID)