Masaganang Agrikultura, Maunlad na Ekonomiya!

NP-073-19 (R1): Food for the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (BAFS) to Conduct the FY 2019 Year-End Assessment Workshop and Agency Management Review on December 12-13, 2019, BAFS Conference Room

Author: DA-BAC | 9 October 2019

October 9, 2019


No. NP-073-19 (R1)


  2. Submission of documentary requirements with mark “ü” as follows:

ü Mayor’s /Business Permit [1]

Professional License / Curriculum Vitae (Consulting Services)

ü Valid PhilGEPS Registration Number

PCAB License  (Infrastructure Projects)

Income Tax/ Business Tax Return (For ABCs above Php 500,000.00)

ü Omnibus Sworn Statement (For ABCs above Php 50,000.00)[2]

Performance Security for Infrastructure Projects

  1. The Bidders/Suppliers or their Authorized Representative shall accomplish this form including unit price and total price as well as the subtotal and grand total (if applicable) and affix their signature over printed name indicated in the lower portion of this form.
  2. Please write


  2. Only sealed canvass shall be considered by the BAC. The Bidders/Suppliers shall reflect on the envelope the RFQ Number and the PRAS No., the BAC shall not be responsible on the pre-emptive/ premature opening of the proposal.
  3. Any interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are signed or initialed by the Bidders/Suppliers or their Authorized Representative.
  4. Quotation/s must include all kinds of taxes for the item(s)/services listed hereunder, including delivery charges.
  5. Price quotation(s) submitted shall be valid for a period of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) days reckoned from the deadline for submission of quotations as reflected in this form.
  6. Terms of Payment – Thirty (30) days from delivery of item/s.
  7. Quotation(s)/Proposal(s) shall be submitted at the Office of the Procurement Division, 2nd Floor, ICTS Building, Department of Agriculture – Central Office, Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City.
  8. Awarding shall be done by
  9. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS: October 14, 2019 at 12:00 noon.
  10. In case of two or more bidders are determined to have submitted the Lowest Calculated Quotation/Lowest Calculated and Responsive Quotation or Highest Rated and Responsive Quotation for consultancy services, the DA-BAC shall employ “draw lots” as the tie-breaking method to finally determine the single winning provider in accordance with GPPB Circular 06-2005.
  11. Delivery and/or Installation Period: on the date of the activity.
  12. The Uniform Guidelines for Blacklisting set forth in Appendix 17 of the 2016 Revised IRR of RA 9184 shall apply in case any of the violations listed under Items 4.1 and 4.2 thereof is/are committed without prejudice for forfeiture of performance security.
  13. The Department of Agriculture reserves the right to reject any and all bids, declare a failure of bidding, or not award the contract at any time prior to contract award in accordance with Section 41 of RA 9184 and its IRR, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.



PRAS No. 19-1715                                    ABC: PhP54,400.00                                           End-User: BAFS

                                                      Mode of Procurement: Small Value Procurement (SVP)







    Food for the Bureau of Agriculture Fisheries Standard  (BAFS) to Conduct the FY 2019 Year-End Assessment Workshop and Agency Management Review on December 12-13, 2019, BAFS Conference Room      
80 pax A.M. Snacks PhP12,800.00    
80 pax Lunch 28,800.00    
80 pax P.M. Snacks 12,800.00    
    GRAND TOTAL PhP54,400.00    








Chief, Procurement Division



DA Bids and Awards Committee (BAC)

Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City





                In connection with the above requirement(s), I/We submit our quotation/proposal indicated above. I/We carefully read and fully understand the minimum requirements and agree to furnish and/or deliver the above mentioned requirement(s) in conformity with the specifications/terms or reference/scope of work indicated/attached thereto.







Signature Over Printed Name



Name of the Bidder




PhilGEPS Registration Number




Contact Number(s)


Office Address



Email Address of the Bidder (Optional)



 Terms of Payment: 


Payment shall be made through Land Bank’s LDDAP-ADA/Bank Transfer, Bank Transfer fee shall be charged against the creditor’s account.


Payment Details:


Banking Institution: __________________________________________


Account Number:  ___________________________________________


Account Name:  _____________________________________________


Branch:  __________________________________________________






[1]  In lieu of the Mayor’s Permit, only the BIR Certificate shall be submitted by the individual supplier/contractor/ service provider

[2] Note  The submission of Omnibus Sworn Statement shall be required from the winning bidder prior to payment.

*** PhilGEPS Certificate of Platinum Membership may be submitted in lieu of Mayor’s Permit and PhilGEPS Registration Number.


To download Request for Quotation and Omnibus Sworn Statement, please visit link.



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