Author: DA-BAC | 17 October 2023
This serves as notice to the public that the requirement: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS FOR USE IN VARIOUS ANALYSES AT CHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY, AND PHYSICAL & SENSORY EVALUATION LABORATORIES OF FDC under PRAS No. 0834 – FDC and Request for Quotation No. NP-122-23 through Negotiated Procurement (Small Value Procurement) was awarded to the following:
A. CHEMLINE SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION with a total amount of PESOS: One Hundred Fifty-Three Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-Five (PhP153,955.00); and
B. STARLAB MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS SUPPLY with a total amount of PESOS: Thirty-One Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty (PhP31,850.00)
Please see the attached link for reference.