Masaganang Agrikultura, Maunlad na Ekonomiya!

Award of Contract for the Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Accessories for Homogenizer Retsch GM-200 for Homogenization of Food Samples for Various Chemical Analyses at the FDC Chemistry Laboratory

Author: DA-BAC | 9 October 2023

This serves as notice to the public that the requirement: Supply, Delivery, and Installation of accessories for Homogenizer Retsch GM-200 – for homogenization of food samples for various chemical analysis at FDC Chemistry Laboratory  under PRAS No. 23-1008 – FDC through Negotiated Procurement (Small Value Procurement) was awarded to ITS SCIENCE PHILS., INC. with a total amount of PESOS: One Hundred Sixty Nine Thousand Five Hundred (PhP169,500.00).

Please see the attached link for reference.

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