Agriculture Secretary Manny F. Piñol discusses with Agricultural Credit Policy (ACPC) Director Jocelyn Alma Badiola, Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering (BAFE) Director Cristy Cecilia Polido, and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Director Eduardo Gongona collaborative measures including the speedy release of the Agriculture and Fisheries Machineries Equipment (AFME) loan program grants. During the meeting held on May 27, 2019 at the Department of Agriculture in Quezon City, issues related to the granting and releasing of loans were also discussed. As such, Badiola, Polido and Gongona agreed to strengthen actions and coordination initiatives across their offices. “We must go back to the basics,” Piñol reminded the three officials. “Let us stick to the fundamental steps and capacitate our farmers’ and fisherfolk’s cooperatives so they can qualify to our credit programs,” Piñol added. ### (Carlos Cezar Baldosa, DA-AFID)