Masaganang Agrikultura, Maunlad na Ekonomiya!

Staff Offices

The Administrative Service spearheads the continuing development of Department-wide standardized systems and procedure to improve the quality and efficiency of administrative services at all levels of implementation.

The Divisions under the Administrative Service are:

Personnel Division

The Personnel Division is responsible for providing the Department with economical, efficient and effective service relating to human resource management and administration. It performs the following functions:

  • Advises management on human resource management policies and administration;
  • Assists the management in the formulation of human resource policies and programs;
  • Develops and administer human resource program which includes selection and placement, classification and pay, performance evaluation, personnel relation and discipline, leave administration and employees welfare benefits, awards and incentives.
  • Acts on all matters concerning recruitment, placement, promotions, transfer, attendance, performance evaluation, leave of absence, appointments and other human resource concern;
  • Maintain, personnel records and statistics; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be provided by law.

Human Resource Development Division (HRDD)

The Human Resource Development Division provides opportunity for employees of the department to develop technical enrichment, supervisory and managerial skills development, effective human communication, work attitude and behavior, job satisfaction and expertise.

It leads in the conceptualization and orchestration of the organizational development programs such as process consultation, team building activities, sensitivity training, employees survey, scholarship programs and competency trainings as it applies to the various operating units, including attached agencies, bureaus and corporations. It performs the following functions:

  • Formulate and recommend policies, plans and programs for the development of the human resource program of the department.
  • Prepare SOP/guidelines for the management, operation, implementation and evaluation of the human resource program of the department.
  • Design and administer continuing staff Development Plan including scholarships and other short-term training courses, study grants and in-house training programs for all employees of the department.
  • Conduct researches, studies, surveys on attitude and morals of the employees in the organization, identifying the causes of factors adversely affecting their attitude and moral; and recommend solutions.
  • Develop training materials for manpower development, organize programs to upgrade and strengthen job skills and competence.
  • Conduct studies and periodic surveys to determine the training needs.
  • Arrange, facilitate, conduct and coordinate formal In-House Training/ Seminar/Workshop/Symposium/Conference (Technical and Non-Technical); and select and invite resource person.
  • Devise means for the evaluation of the effectiveness of designed training programs.
  • Select and evaluate candidates/participants to any seminar/training/observation scholarship to non-technical courses for both foreign and local.

General Services Division (GSD)

The General Services Division is responsible in providing support services in the Department relating to disbursement and collection, property and supply, janitorial and security services and other related services.

It is the primary concern of the division to provide assistance and support in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services, protection, security and maintenance of the Department. It performs the following functions:

Take custody and be accountable for all the disbursements, collections and deposits; supplies; properties, plant and equipment owned by the Department.
Maintain and supervises janitorial and security and other related services
Be in the frontline of general services activities such as possible imminent destruction or damage to supplies, properties and structures, threat of security.

Records Division

The Records Division is responsible in providing the Department with efficient, effective and economical records management in the Department, and performs the following functions:

  • Formulate, evaluate update and implement policies and guidelines on records management.
  • Service the documentary reference and information requirements of top management, action officers and the general public.
  • Provide messengerial/liaison service for the department.
  • Ensure proper storage of inactive records and prompt disposal of absolute, valueless records and preserve vital and permanent records fore Archival purposes.
  • Provide systematic control of handling incoming mails and correspondence and dispatch outgoing/signed communications.
  • Safeguard the seal and official records of the Department.
  • Prompt delivery of mails and communications received for the Department and its employees.
  • Represent the Department in the presentation of documents in Court and other administrative body.
  • Authenticate officials records when necessary.

Procurement Division

It undertakes the DA-wide procurement process and performs the following functions:

  • Oversee procurement activities of the DA regional offices and staff bureaus.
  • Act as the Bids and Awards Committee Secretariat.
  • Review and update the submitted Annual Procurement Plan (APP) of the DA OSEC Proper, regional offices and staff bureaus.
  • Act as secretariat for the procurement of all requirements of the DA OSEC and for requirements of DA regional offices and staff bureaus pursuant to existing general memorandum order.
  • Act as the Central Repository of all up to date procurement related information and GPPB resolution issuances, circulars and events and disseminate the same to all parties requiring information.
  • Transact with the Procurement Service (PS)-DBM in behalf of the Procuring Entity.
  • Ensure that all procurement and bidding documents are properly documented, to provide an audit trail of the procurement process.
  • Provide administrative support to the BAC and the technical working groups if necessary.
  • Manage and undertake procurement upon prior resolution of the BAC and the approval of the head of the agency or the duly designated officer.

Agriculture and Fisheries Information Division (AFID)

1. AFID develops, produces, and disseminates communication support materials on the Department’s thrusts, programs, projects, and policies for varied clientele through the following:

  • Develop and implement internal and external communication strategies and programs to support agricultural reforms and other objectives and assess communication needs of the general public.
  • Provide technical support to the Office of the DA Spokesperson and Presidential Communications Operations Office in response to pressing matters and concerns in the local agriculture scene.
  • Provide editorial and quality control services relative to DA agencies materials for production
  • Develop and undertake briefings/orientations on matters related to agriculture for visitors, groups of students, and special publics.

2. AFID incorporates information strategies on marketing and agribusiness for various commodity programs. It ensures the effective packaging and broad dissemination of agriculture and fisheries production and market information locally and abroad.

3. It manages the department’s media relations program, formulates and implements the Agriculture and Fisheries Communication Plan as well as designs and develops multi-media communications through the following:

  • Monitor and document DA activities and prepare news articles on the same for media release and publication in internal publications and other media outlets.
  • Promote/build good corporate image of the Department/Bureaus/Attached Agencies through publication of info advocacy materials.

4. It spearheads information campaign activities for special DA annual events

5. AFID acts as clearing house for the release of information to tri-media to ensure up to date and consistent messages among other links from bureaus, attached agencies, corporations, foreign-assisted projects, and regional offices.

6. AFID coordinates with the Information and Communications Technology Service (ICTS) in enhancing the contents DA home/web page—making it more attractive and understandable to the public.

The Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service (AMAS) was created by virtue of Administrative Order No. 14 Series of 1999 through the merging of the Agribusiness Investment Information Service (AIIS) and the Marketing Assistance Service (MAS). This restructuring was in compliance with the provisions of DA AO No. 6 Series of 1998 or the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA). The core functions of AMAS are the following:

  • Develop and facilitate the implementation of a national plan for agribusiness development and investment promotion to guide the prioritization and targeting of government assistance to industries with high potential for growth and global market competitiveness;
  • Develop partnership mechanisms with producers, traders, exporters, importers, investors, entrepreneurs and local government units to promote Philippine agriculture and fishery products and agribusiness investments globally (local and international);
  • Continue to strengthen market access of Philippine agribusiness and the promotion of agribusiness investments globally. AMAS shall coordinates with office of DA’s International Affairs Division;
  • Analyze evolving market trends through the conduct of comprehensive and incisive market assessments and commodity/industry studies to scan emerging demand for agricultural products both in the domestic and export markets and enhance competitiveness of agricultural and fishery products;
  • Provide business advisory assistance to agribusiness investors and entrepreneurs in the form of relevant and critical information about agro-industries, competitiveness and factors affecting the growth of industries, among others;
  • Continue strengthening the network with DA attached agencies, bureaus and regional field Offices (RFOs), SCUs, other government agencies (e.g. BOI-DTI, DILG, DAR, LBP, MARINA, PPA, DOTC, among others); other entities to include private organizations (i.e. ASME associations, Commodity Councils, Cooperatives, etc.) and non-government organizations in various agribusiness concerns;
  • Collaborate with DTI-Bureau of Export Trade Promotion (BETP), Bureau of Domestic Trade Promotion (BDTP) and Center for International Trade, Exposition and Mission (CITEM) and serve as DA focal unit in domestic and export trade promotion;
  • Serve as the focal unit of the Department of Agriculture on enterprise development, domestic and export development, logistics and distribution interventions, agribusiness investments, consumers’ affairs, promotion of product standards and food safety, halal , and organic farming; and Lead unit of the One Stop Agribusiness Center (OSAC) in the provision of relevant agribusiness information and referrals to concerned institutions and individuals

The Divisions under the Agribusiness Marketing Assistance Service are:

Market Development Division (MDD)

This division spearheads agribusiness and market-related research to generate and provide informative analyses of market trends and factors affecting the demand for agri-fishery products. The division is responsible in product promotion, directing market linkages to farmers, entrepreneurs, cooperatives, and exploring/expanding market opportunities beyond their traditional outlets.

The functions of the division are as follows:

  • Coordinate with the Agricultural Attaches, Trade Attaches, other agencies, among others, in the conduct of market assessment and intelligence studies, benchmarking and competitiveness analysis and identify necessary interventions to enhance competitiveness of agricultural and fisheries products both in the domestic and export markets;
  • Conduct commodity studies to generate information on food product trends, consumer demand, commodity prices and price trends and international/local market forecasts as well as commodity supply forecasts to forewarn DA management of impending shortages, drastic price fluctuations, commodity flow interruptions and other supply-side issues that may affect the domestic and export market for agri-fishery products;
  • Develop a National Marketing Program for promotion of commodities both in the domestic and international markets to achieve global market expansion targets and support market assistance strategies of RFUs and other attached agencies in the DA system providing market assistance services;
  • Maintain a directory of buyers and sellers of agriculture and fishery products, inputs, postharvest technology and other marketing services that can be tapped by entrepreneurs;
  • Introduce Philippine products to profitable markets through market testing and marketing strategies (market access/entry plans), in-store promotion and other approaches suitable to the target markets;
  • Facilitate market matching events such as trade fairs and exhibits, trade missions and market encounters to link farmers and agribusiness entrepreneurs with profitable markets for their products;
  • Establish linkages with industry networks, associations and advocacy organizations to serve as launching pad for collaborative programs that aim to promote market competitiveness of agricultural commodities;
  • Promote market awareness among farmers and fisherfolks by monitoring and disseminating the results of market testing and market access/entry plans and strategies, including export promotion strategies;
  • The DA focal unit to other government agencies such as Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)-CITEM/BETP, Department of Tourism (DOT) and Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on matters pertaining to export promotion and development.

Agribusiness and Investment Promotion Division (AIPD)

This division spearheads the efforts of the DA in generating and promoting private investments by providing information on business opportunities and facilitation of innovative business ventures. Its functions are as follows:

  • Develop and facilitate the implementation of a national plan for agribusiness development and investment promotion to guide the prioritization and targeting of government assistance to industries with high potential for growth and global market competitiveness;
  • In coordination with the Regional Field Offices (RFOs), The Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD), identify areas with strong potential for agribusiness development and expansion, generate agribusiness investment opportunities and projects, and package this into an Agribusiness Investment Promotion Plan (AIPP) for inclusion and adoption in the government’s Investment Priority Plan (IPP);
  • Coordinate and facilitate access of prospective and existing agribusiness entrepreneurs/investors to sources of credit, postharvest handling, value-adding activities and to other matters related to agribusiness enterprise development (i.e. policy, business registration, licensing, permits, among others);
  • Develop and maintain database of investment projects, available technologies, business regulations and incentives, fund sources, among others;
  • Organize events (i.e. investment fora, conferences, summit) and assist inbound and outbound investment missions to promote agribusiness investments in the Philippines;
  • Establish networking arrangements with other government agencies and private sector regarding dissemination on new investment opportunities including business policies and regulations;
  • Provide agribusiness investment counseling and facilitate market matching of investors and industry clusters;
  • Provide technical assistance for viable contract growing schemes, joint agribusiness ventures, other appropriate modalities, and smallholder estates in ARC areas and areas identified for agribusiness development in coordination with appropriate DA units, government agencies ,and private entities;
  • Coordinate with DTI (BOI, BETP, BSMED) on all support activities of the Department on matters relating to agribusiness investment and enterprise development.

Agribusiness Industry Support Division (AISD)

This division is primarily responsible in strengthening farmers and fisherfolk organizations/associations and industry councils by providing technical support and agribusiness market information services through the following:

  • Undertake industry studies and supply chain/value chain analysis and maintain a database of relevant indicators for the analysis of industry performance, sources of competitiveness and prospects for market growth;
  • Formulate strategic action plans to strengthen industry clusters and enhance its competitiveness;
  • Facilitate the provision of assistance to private sector groups for institutional development and capacity building of the National Marketing Umbrella (NMU) and its sub-national counterparts such as the Regional Marketing Umbrella (RMU), industry associations, clusters and networks;
  • Provide updated agribusiness technologies for commercialization to various stakeholders;
  • Spearhead the promotion and maintenance of appropriate product standards and quality management systems for adoption of farmers, fisherfolk and agribusiness entrepreneurs;
  • Maintain an electronic database of industries, commodities, benchmark data, demand and supply data, industry directories and other basic market information;
  • Act as the DA focal unit to other agencies such as MARINA, PPA, DOTC and MMDA in facilitating support activities particularly logistics and distribution interventions;
  • In coordination with other DA agencies (BAR, ITCS, AFID, PCAF and other concerned agencies), facilitate the dissemination of new or needed products, technologies, and market information to agricultural and fisheries producers and agribusiness entrepreneurs.

FOS serves as the coordinating body/ functional link of the DA Central Office to the Regional Field Offices (RFOs), Bureaus and Attached Agencies and other offices for program implementation and timely delivery of public goods and services to the LGUs through the RFOs (EO 366).

  • Coordinate the provision of technical support in the formulation of operational policies and program guidelines to the RFOs
  • Coordinate and implement disaster risk reduction management (DRRM) activities such as disaster preparedness mitigation, prevention, rehabilitation and recovery.
  • Coordinate and implement agricultural engineering regulations and standards.
  • Conduct operational monitoring of programs/ projects, consolidation of periodic reports and identify /resolve implementation bottlenecks and issues.
  • Maintain operational database of commodity programs, agri-infrastructure and foreign assisted projects in support to the data needs of the DA ExeCom, Oversight Committees and Donor Agencies.

The Divisions under the Field Operations Service are:

Field Programs Operational Planning Division (FPOPD)

The FPOPD is responsible for translating strategic plans into operational plans of DA’s Programs and other projects with cross sector concerns such as: climate change, disaster risk management, DA – DAR – DENR Convergence Initiatives, DA Hunger Mitigation Program, National Anti-Poverty Commission, Indigenous Peoples (IPs), Gender, Annual search for outstanding achievers in agriculture and fisheries, and the like. It shall take charge of the management and allocation of program / project funds, logistic and other resources, as well as the generation of database and consolidation of reports needed by various offices.

The FPOPD is responsible for the following:

  • Formulate operational plans and program guidelines of the Department
  • Provide operational policy framework in the implementation of commodity programs and disaster/climate risk reduction and management activities
  • Develop and maintain the GIS-based Disaster/Climate Risk Reduction and Management Information System (DRRMIS) and the Operations Management Information System (O-MIS)
  • Develop the operational plans and guidelines on DRRM activities

The FPOPD consists of three (3) sections:

Operational Planning Section (O-PLANS)

  • Formulate operational plans and program guidelines of the DA.
  • Prepare amendments and revisions of existing operational plans and program guidelines based on the provided feedback by the Field Programs Coordination and Monitoring Division (FPCMD)
  • Ensure the timely development of the annual and global work and financial plans (WFPs) of Commodity Programs (Rice, Corn and Organic Agriculture*)
  • Coordinate the alignment of the annual and global WFPs of Regional Field Offices (RFOs), Bureaus and Attached Agencies with the commodity programs’ goals and objectives;
  • Manage allocation of program funds and logistics;

Operations Management Information System Section (O-MIS)

  • Formulate and implement a Operations Management Information System (O-MIS), including spot monitoring/field validation of various commodity programs
  • Analyze data and transforms these into timely and useful information for operational policy making, planning, and program implementation
  • Develop and maintain databases in support to the implementation of various commodity programs for operational planning and decision making
  • Develop, maintain, and update the DA-Farmers’ database
  • Develop and maintain an electronic system to enhance operational planning and monitoring activities

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Section (DRReaMS)

  • Provide operational policy framework for disaster/climate risk reduction and management activities
  • Coordinate DRRM activities: mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response and rehabilitation & recovery
  • Develop tools to facilitate the mainstreaming of DRRM activities in the DA programs

FPOPD Ad-hoc Offices

  • Full-Time Delivery Unit
  • Disaster Climate Information Office
  • National Quick Response Office
  • Rehabilitation and Recovery Project Support Office (RRPSO)

Field Programs Coordination and Monitoring Division (FPCMD)

The FPCMD is responsible to the following:

  • Conduct regular field visits of programs / projects implemented at the regional level and provincial, municipal and barangay level whenever necessary.
  • Ensure that the DA programs / projects are implemented in accordance with the formulated operational plans and guidelines.
  • Provide remedial measures on any difficulties encountered during the course of program / project implementation.
  • Process DA – RFO recommendations on program operations and make the necessary adjustments, when required.
  • Provide relevant inputs to further enhance existing regulations, standards and procedures related to DA programs operations.
  • Monitor fund utilization and verify availability of resources to implementing units.
  • Prepare regular progress reports of monitored / evaluated programs/projects at the field level.
  • Monitor the effects of disaster to agriculture and fishery sector and coordinate delivery of assistance through the DA – RFOs.
  • Assist the DA – RFO in coordinating programs with the LGUs and other stakeholders.
  • Conduct quarterly, mid-term and annual program / project reviews in coordination with concerned implementing units, oversight agencies and other stakeholders.

Special Projects Coordination and Management Assistance Division (SPCMAD)

The Special Projects Coordination and Management Assistance Division (SPCMAD), a division under the Field Operations Service (FOS), was created under Administrative Order No. 12, Series of 1999 pursuant to the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 8435, Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (DA-Administrative Order No. 6 Series of 1998), is tasked to ensure the smooth implementation of all the Department’s foreign-assisted projects (FAPs) and locally-funded projects (LFPs). It shall institutionalize with the Project Development Service (PDS), a system to effect smooth transition from Project Preparation to Project Implementation and from Project Completion to Project Evaluation.

  • To provide pre-implementation assistance in the setting-up of Project Management Offices (PMOs), including the needed manamgement systems/procedures and coordination with other concerned offices, agencies and stakeholders;
  • To coordinate with the PMOs in the preparation of the initial plan of activities, annual and global work and financial plans in the annual DA Budget Proposal and its approval by the Executive Steering Committee or other approving body;
  • To conduct operational monitoring of FAPs and LFPs and coordinate the submission of physical and financial progress reports and other information requirements to various stakeholders;
  • To review and analyze the project’s physical and financial progress reports, audit and technical reports, and other studies/activities and subsequently prepare recommendations to the DA management;
  • To coordinate and integrate with donor agencies (WB, EU, ADB, and the like) and other offices in the various implementation activities of the projects; and
  • To coordinate with the project management offices in the conduct of project implementation activities to include phase-out/phase-in plans, and preparation of project completion report (PCR).

The SPCMAD consists of two sections:

Project Operations and Management Section (POMS)

  • Formulate plans for special projects;
  • Ensure efficient and effective implementation of operational plans of local and foreign-assisted projects at all levels;
  • Ensure prompt availability of pertinent technical support services to the project;
  • Prepares reports to the DA Management and oversight agencies and other stakeholders, including reports on implementation performance, issues of LFPs and FAPs;
  • Develop early warning mechanisms for potential bottlenecks towards developing possible troubleshooting and problem mitigating measures.

Project Support Section (PSS)

  • This section is primarily responsible in developing and maintaining a financial management system in support of efficient and effective project operations of locally and foreign-assisted projects
  • Formulate financial plans for special projects;
  • Responsible for the establishment, operation and maintenance of online financial information system (ADB, IFAD) and Client Connection-Straight Through Processing (WB) of Special Accounts/Working Funds of FAPs;
  • Establish strong coordination and reporting relationship between and among donor agenices, DOF, BTR, AGDBs, DBM, NEDA and project management offices (PMOs)/agencies on accounting, auditing, and loan/grant systems/procedures;
  • Review Statement of Expenditure (SOEs) and prepares Withdrawal Application for Loan and/or Grant for direct submission online for e-signature of authorized signatories;
  • Undertake troubleshooting of financial-related bottlenecks and problems with DBM, DOF, BTR, within DA-Budget and Accounting Divisions, COA and AGDBs to efficiently speed-up implementation of FAPs/LFPs;
  • Develop and implement human resources management training programs for project staff and SPCMAD personnel; and
  • Ensure availability of required logistical and manpower resources for project implementation

The FMS performs the following functions:

  • Synchronize the preparation of budgets and financial plans with other DA units and offices.
  • Closely coordinate with the Planning and Programming Division of the Planning Service regarding the preparation of agency plans and programs.
  • Conduct regular monitoring of fund releases and disbursements made by the various offices under the Department.
  • Establish closer coordination with the DBM, COA, Bureau of Treasury, Congress and other fiscal agencies of the national government.
  • Conduct consultations with the other DA units and offices with regard to their fiscal requirements.
  • Evaluate control systems in place and determine any flaws and/or deficiencies in it. Provide the leadership in the development of a transparent and predictable system of financial management in all agencies and bureaus of the Department.
  • Provide the Secretary through the Assistant Secretary for Support Services regular advice on cost-efficiency measures and financial reports. It shall continually innovate to simplify financial transactions of the Department.
  • Develop and implement a continuing education program to improve the efficiency and professionalize the management of the financial resources of the Department.
  • Advise the DA top management on budgetary and financial matters including, but not limited to, technical assistance in the application and utilization of budgetary methods and preparation of financial reports.
  • Facilitate the release of funds to enhance delivery of necessary support services to the clientele of the DA.

The Divisions under the Financial Management Service are:

Accounting Division

The Accounting Division performs the following functions:

  • Advise management on financial matters;
  • Process all claims for payment;
  • Verify the correctness and accuracy of reports related to finance submitted by the various operating units under the Department;
  • File and maintain basic and subsidiary accounting records and books of accounts of the Office of the Secretary to reflect accurate and current financial information required by existing auditing rules and regulations and by management;
  • Do financial analysis and interpretations of financial position and results of operation.
  • Provide adequate and timely financial information critical to the management of the Office of the Secretary.
  • Perform such other functions as may be provided by law.

Management Division

The Management Division performs the following functions:

  • Develop plan and program objective relative to management improvement in the department;
  • Examine the administrative organization of the department and make recommendations for improvements;
  • Maintain and update the department’s organization and other related manuals;
  • Review existing methods, procedures and systems, and make recommendation for improvement;
  • Develop new and improved management systems, exercise staff supervision over the implementation of such improvements; and provide training in the use of the systems;
  • Develop staffing standards and manpower requirements for the department;
  • Review internal control systems for safeguarding the money and property to ascertain weaknesses and deficiencies requiring correction; and
  • Perform such other functions as may be provided by law.

Budget Division

The Budget Division is responsible for the following:

Preparation/consolidation of the annual budget, activity recasts, program structure changes, allotments, and all other requirements to be submitted to appropriate requesting agency.
Designing, developing, implementing, and/or updating of budget monitoring tools and standards.
Providing technical assistance to top management in the presentation of the department‘s budget to legislators and other oversight committees.
Collection, analysis, documentation of budget data that enable users and top management to make sound decisions.

The Service provides the leadership in the development and implementation of reliable and cost effective information and communication technology systems of the Department at all levels of implementation. It undertakes measures to ensure the system’s security, integrity and reliability. The ICTS provides over-all orchestration and guidance on ICT of all DA agencies in making the most of knowledge managed, stored or shared within the Department.

The ICTS performs the following functions:

  • Formulate policies and guidelines in the design, acquisition, maintenance, use and disposal of IT to guide all DA units/offices and NIN stakeholders and key players in their related activities;
  • Develop and manage the Department’s, as well as the NIN’s basic information infrastructure, resources and processes, which include among others, the overall communications backbone, the hardware, software and databases that utilizes the backbone;
  • Provide technical assistance in the design, development and maintenance of DA ICT solutions which will enhance the Department’s program/support units/offices, as well as improve its data collection, processing, analysis and dissemination capabilities;
  • Coordinate/spearhead the identification of the data needs of the department as a whole and its operating units;
  • Oversee the organization and security of the department’s data holdings in a manner that will facilitate the transformation of data to information and information to knowledge;
  • Ensure the availability of all relevant data from the department’s data holdings to each operating units;
  • Formulate plans and strategies to keep DA’s ICT resources current and up-to-date;
  • Develop and maintain the Department’s Library (both physical and electronic) to provide service that makes available the knowledge and experience on the fields of agriculture, fisheries, and information technology;
  • Develop/formulate and implement ICT Training Programs in collaboration with the appropriate national and private training institutions to enhance the IT skills of DA personnel as well as key operators and users of the NIN; and
  • Institutionalize linkages and partnership of the DA ICT sector with other government and non-government users of agriculture and fisheries information in order to enhance the long term sustainability of the NIN and ensure its accessibility to end-users.

The Divisions under the Information and Communications Technology Service are:

ICT Planning and Standards Division (ICTPSD)

The ICTPSD performs the following functions:

  • Formulates ICT plans, policies, and operating standards and guidelines that will provide the overall guidance and direction in the implementation of ICT activities;
  • Responsible for the monitoring as well as the evaluation of all ICT programs and projects within DA;
  • Responsible for building the ICT community and retaining its community of ICT Professionals through the development and upgrade of ICT skills through trainings and collaborative learning.

Systems and Application Development Division (SADD)

The SADD performs the following functions:

  • Develops and maintains application system needed by the department and its agencies in support to programs/project development/ operations and management; and
  • Responsible for the development of office-wide automation and productivity applications.

Database Management Division (DMD)

The DMD has the following responsibilities:

  • Responsible for the systematic organization and management of a large collection of interrelated agricultural databases emanating from various DA programs, projects, activities and other data holdings;
  • Responsible for the uploading and extraction of data and information from the database for researchers, clients and other users;
  • Responsible for the installation, updating of the National Information Network (NIN) websites;
  • Provides service that makes available the knowledge and experience on the fields of agriculture and information and communication technology;
  • Select and acquire information on the various fields and activities of the Department

Network Operations and Management Division (NOMD)

The NOMD is responsible for the following:

  • Development and management of the DA-National Information Network (NIN) ICT infrastructure/facilities covering the DA Wide Area Network (WAN) and Agency Local Area Network (LAN); and
  • Operation and maintenance of the DA ICT infrastructure/facilities covering the DA Wide Area Network (WAN) and Agency Local Area Network (LAN).

The Internal Audit Service (IAS) shall conduct comprehensive audit in all Services/Offices of the DA-Central Office, Regional Field Offices, Bureaus and other agencies under the supervision and control of the Department; and, shall report directly to the Department Secretary. Specifically, it shall have the following functions:

  • Advise the Department Secretary on all matters relating to management control and operations audit;
  • Conduct management and operations performance audit of the department proper, bureaus and regional offices’ functions, programs, projects, activities with outputs, and determine the degree of compliance with their mandate, policies, government regulations, established objectives, systems and procedures/processes and contractual obligations;
  • Review and appraise systems and procedures/processes, organizational structure, asset management practices, financial and management records, reports and performance standards of the department proper, bureaus, and regional offices;
  • Analyze and evaluate management deficiencies and assist top management by recommending realistic courses of action; and
  • Perform such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or delegated by the Secretary or as may be required by law. However, IAS shall not be responsible for or required to participate in procedures which are essentially part of regular operating activities or in operations which are the primary responsibility of another unit in the organization. IAS shall be detached from all functions of routine operating character

The Divisions under the Internal Audit Service are:

Operations Audit Division (OAD)

The Operations Audit Division (OAD) shall evaluate the extent of compliance and ascertain the effective, efficient, ethical and economical execution of the Department’s operations, programs and projects by utilizing internal auditing methods.

The IAS-OAD is tasked to perform the following functions:

  • Conduct operations performance audit of activities of the department and their units and determine the degree of compliance with the mandate, policies, government regulations, established objectives, systems and procedures/processes and contractual obligations;
  • Review and appraise systems and procedures/processes, organizational structure, operations practices, operations records, reports and performance standards of the agencies/units covered;
  • Verify and analyze operations data to ascertain if attendant management information systems generate data or reports are complete, accurate and valid
  • Ascertain the reliability and integrity of operational information and the means used to identify, measure, classify and report such information;
  • Review operations or programs to ascertain whether or not results are consistent with established objectives and goals and whether or not such programs are being carried out as planned;
  • Evaluate the quality of performance of groups/individuals in carrying out their assigned responsibilities;
  • Recommend courses of action on operational deficiencies observed;
  • Perform functions of a protective nature, such as prevention and detection of fraud or dishonesty, review of cases involving misuse of agency property, and checking of transactions with outside parties; and
  • Perform miscellaneous services, including special investigations and assistance to outside contacts such as COA.

Management Audit Division (MAD)

The Management Audit Division (MAD) shall evaluate the achievement of the control objectives of the operating or support units of the Department, which include safeguarding of assets, checking the accuracy and reliability of accounting data, adherence to managerial policies and compliance with laws, rules and regulations by utilizing internal auditing methods.

  • Conduct management audit of activities and its units and determine the degree of compliance with the mandate, policies, government regulations, established objectives, systems and procedures/processes and contractual obligations;
  • Review and appraise systems and procedures/processes, organizational structure, assets management practices, financial and management records, reports and performance standards of the services/offices covered;
  • Verification and analysis of financial and management data to ascertain if attendant management information systems generate data or reports are complete, accurate and valid;
  • Ascertain the reliability and integrity of financial and management information and the means used to identify, measure, classify and report such information;
  • Ascertain the extent to which the assets and other resources of the institutions are accounted for and safeguarded from losses of all kinds;
  • Review and evaluate the soundness, adequacy and application of accounting, financial and management controls and promote the most effective control at reasonable cost;
  • Evaluate the quality of performance of groups/individuals in carrying out their assigned responsibilities;
  • Perform functions of a protective nature, such as prevention and detection of fraud or dishonesty, review of cases involving misuse of agency property, and checking of transactions with outside parties; and
  • Perform miscellaneous services, including special investigations and assistance to outside contacts such as COA.

The Legal Service is mandated under the Administrative Code (EO 292) to handle the legal requirements including those pertaining to the quasi-judicial and regulatory functions of the Department Proper and its Bureaus. In particular, the following are the functions of the Legal and Legislative Affairs Service:

  • Attend to the tasks assigned by the Office of the Secretary (OSEC), particularly drafting legal opinions for the Secretary, crafting administrative issuances, reviewing proposed Memoranda of Agreements (MOAs), Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), resolving administrative cases involving personnel of the OSEC, the different regional field offices of the Department and its attached bureaus and agencies, and reviewing, on appeal to the Office of the Secretary, cases of personnel of its attached bureaus and agencies;
  • Attend to the requests for legal assistance from the different units under the OSEC, the regional field offices, and the attached Bureaus and Agencies of the Department, including resolving issued in conflicting claims regarding Fishpond Lease Agreements (FLAs);
  • Prepare the necessary pleadings and other documents on matters relating to litigation, conduct investigations of administrative complaints against Department officials and employees, and hear and adjudicate administrative cases involving administrative violations of the Department’s rules and regulations, including consumer complaints regarding agricultural products, and prepare the appropriate recommendations for approval by the agency head;
  • Reviews decisions on legal/administrative matters brought to the Secretary on appeal;
  • Assist the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) in the preparation, initiation and conduct of court actions affecting the Department, its officials and employees, and attend the hearings in courts and prepare the necessary pleadings in cases when deputized by the OSG;
  • Serve as the Secretariat for the Fact Finding and Formal Investigating Committees of the Dulugan Bayan Desk in the DA, and its staff to serve as members of its different committees. The Dulugan Bayan, which is the central body to act on the various complaints filed with the DA, was created under Special Order No. 15, s. of 2005 pursuant to Presidential Memorandum Order No. 126, s. of 2003
  • Liaise with the Congress of the Philippines, and coordinate with the concerned unit in the Department in relation to proposed legislations;
  • Evaluate and review requests for assistance from the Congress of the Philippines in relation to proposed legislations involving the agriculture and fishery sectors, refer the same to the concerned agencies for comments, synthesize the request and the comments of the concerned agencies, and prepare the draft of the position of the Department in relation to the request;
  • Perform such other assignments requiring legal training.

The Divisions under the Legal Service are:

Research and Regulations Division (RRD)

The RRD performs the following functions:

  • Provide legal advice and technical assistance to the Department, its regional field units, attached bureaus and agencies, and when requested, its attached corporations, concerning policy issues, regulatory functions, and other matters requiring the assistance of one trained in the law.
  • Provide technical legal assistance in the formulation of proposed international agreements, legislations, rules and regulations, and other policy issuances that would impact on international and domestic agricultural policy, including that of regulation, and liaise with the Congress of the Philippines in relation to proposed legislations concerning the agriculture and fishery sectors.
  • Provide technical assistance in the implementation of fishery laws and administrative orders, and assist in the evaluation of conflicting claims involving public land areas subject to fishpond development.
  • Assist the Solicitor General in cases filed in court regarding Fishpond Lease Agreements (FLAs) and other regulatory functions of the Department.
  • Provide legal advice to the bureaus and attached agencies with regulatory functions in the interpretation of policies pertinent to their functions.
  • Provide legal assistance in the preparation and/or review of contracts and other legal instruments wherein the Department, or any of its component agencies, is a party.

Litigation and Adjudication Division (LAD)

The division serves as the main litigation unit in the Department, in coordination with the other units of the Department, its regional field offices, bureaus and attached agencies. It performs the following functions:

  • Assist the Solicitor General in the prosecution or defense of actions brought to court involving the Department, its field units, bureaus and attached agencies.
  • Provide legal assistance to the Department, in coordination with the Policy and Trade Service (PTS), in the implementation of the country’s obligations under international agreements such as the GATT-WTO, AFTA-CEPT, etc. and ensures that the Government and the Department are compliant with the obligations under these agreements. The LAD assists the Solicitor General in protecting the interests of the agriculture sector under the different trade agreements entered into by the Government.
  • Attend to administrative cases involving personnel of the Department, its regional field units, bureaus, agencies and corporations, and provide legal assistance in the formulation of policies in the conduct and implementation of policies involving the personnel of the whole Department.
  • Handle administrative cases relative to the adjudication and prosecution of complaints involving violations of administrative rules and regulations.
  • Act on consumer complaints with respect to agricultural products and conduct investigations when warranted.

  • Formulate medium- and long-term plans, and the corresponding public investment program, addressing food security, poverty alleviation, social equity and income enhancement concerns
  • Monitor and evaluate the implemented medium and annual plans and programs and other concerns of the Department
  • Spearhead the annual plan and budget preparation and defense before the Congress and oversight agencies
  • Lead the conduct of internal and external periodic evaluation of all DA programs and projects primarily to evaluate the effects/benefits of programs to farmers/fisherfolk.
  • Represent the Department in various inter-agency committees, technical working groups Perform other functions as may be assigned by the Executive Committee

The Divisions under the Planning and Monitoring Service are:

Planning and Programming Division (PPD)

The PPD shall lead in the review and integration of the medium-term Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Plan (AFMP) and the annual plan and budget proposals of all operating units to translate the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) for the agriculture sector and the DA Secretary’s development agenda into the medium-term AFMP and generate the DA annual strategic plan, respectively. The Division will ensure the linkage of DA’s plan with the needed financial resources to improve the plan’s quality and relevance. In coordination with the Financial Management Service, the PPD will spearhead:

  • the reorientation of the DA’s budgeting system from the current commodity and production-oriented system to one that is based on priorities, functional responsibilities and market needs; and
  • the establishment of the e-planning and budgeting system (Electronic Planning and Financial Management System). This will entail the computerization of the planning, budget preparation and monitoring and evaluation for more efficient collection, consolidation and data storage and report generation from various DA operating units

Investment Programming Division (IPD)

The IPD will lead the conduct of the investment programming and prioritization activities for the DA. Considering the present state of the Philippine economy and the daunting task to modernize the sector, it is imperative to rationalize resource allocation and prioritize interventions with clear development strategies. The IPD will finalize and institutionalize the Public Investment Programming (PIP) System and resource allocation scheme for the agriculture and fishery sector nationwide. The PIP system will enable the DA to optimize the use of limited resources through a rational investment program. IPD shall lead the preparation of the sector’s investment plan in the medium term.

Monitoring and Evaluation Division (MED)

The MED will lead the conduct of sector-wide impact evaluation to cover policies, programs and projects. Likewise, the Division will lead in the development of a Benefit/Results Monitoring and Evaluation System of the DA. The MED shall also be responsible for the conduct of mid-term and post-evaluation of all ongoing and completed projects, whether foreign-assisted or locally funded, in terms of achieving project goals, objectives, desired outcomes and benefits and drawing out lessons from project implementation. The results of these studies shall become major inputs to DA management decision-making and design of future programs and projects as well as improvements in ongoing programs and projects.

Pursuant to the mandate of the Department to provide a policy environment conducive to a competitive agricultural sector as a key to raising the quality of life and promoting food security, among others as stipulated under EO No. 292, series of 1987, RA 8435, and other relevant laws, the Service shall perform the following functions:

  1. Formulate, review, and analyze agriculture and fishery policies, taking into consideration the technical inputs of the technical agencies of the Department;
  2. Monitor compliance with agriculture and fishery policies;
  3. Provide oversight and assist in the resolution of agriculture and fishery policies; and, 
  4. Lead in the formulation of national agriculture and fishery policies.

The Divisions under the Policy Research Service are:

Macro-Economic Policy Division (MEPD)

MEPD is responsible for facilitating the review, assessment, and/or development of macro-economic policies and conduct of medium and long-term macro-economic policy research related to the agriculture and fisheries sector. The Division shall serve as the core technical support group in the Department’s engagement in multilateral, regional, and bilateral free trade negotiations.

Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Policy Division (FAFPD)

FAFPD is responsible for facilitating the development, review, and assessment of agriculture and fishery policies, and conduct of medium and long-term agriculture and fishery policy research.

International Affairs Division (IAD)

IAD is responsible for the coordination and facilitation of international relations and resources and international technical cooperation activities, monitoring of international technical cooperation activities, and conducting medium and long-term agriculture and fishery policy research in relation to international technical cooperation.

Trade Remedies Office (TRO)

TRO is responsible for all matters concerning the implementation of trade remedy laws as itapplies to agriculture and fishery products in coordination with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Tariff Commission, and relevant stakeholders. The office shall serve as the DA central data and information repository of local and international trade statistics and trade remedies, supply and demand, production and prices, industry profiles, market studies, and similar data and information sources, for the efficient and effective implementation of trade remedies.

The PDS shall coordinate, facilitate and orchestrate all the project development activities of the Department. It shall set the overall direction in: (i) translating activities spelled out in various agricultural and fisheries development plans, programs, and related legal instrumentalities into specific projects; and (ii) fund sourcing/mainstreaming domestic and international resources for these projects. The service shall also ensure that various operating units within the Department shall be strengthened in all aspects of project development through capability building.

The Divisions under the Project Development Service are:

Project Identification and Evaluation Division (PIED)

The Project Identification and Evaluation Division’s tasked to determine priority projects, as well as assess their viability in terms of financing and implementation mechanism; It serves as the focal unit in the implementation of a Project Clearinghouse System in the DA.

Project Packaging and Resource Mobilization Division (PPRMD)

The Project Packaging and Resource Mobilization Division’s tasked to serve as the unit that would enhance marketability of the projects identified based on the appropriate procurement mode to be utilized for the purpose.