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MOA Signing for the Establishment of Rubber Facilities (June 13, 2024)

Author: DA-AFID | 14 June 2024

The Department of Agriculture and the DA-Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI) sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which will push for the establishment of the Research and Development Buildings, Experimental Station, and Propagation Nursery of the DA-PRRI at the DA-Integrated Zamboanga Sibugay Research and Extension Services (IZRES) in Region IX.

The facilities shall serve as important facets of the DA-PRRI’s research, development, and extension functions as well as the implementation of its initiatives for the Philippine rubber industry.

During the signing ceremony, Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel, Jr. acknowledged the DA-PRRI as a vital institution in the advancement of the Philippine rubber industry and in supporting the livelihood of over 700,000 rubber growers in the country. ### (photos by Alarico Nuestro, DA-AFID)