Masaganang Agrikultura, Maunlad na Ekonomiya!

Award Notice for Subscription of SMS Blast Solution for the Automated Dissemination of Daily Price and Supply Data of Department of Agriculture – Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service (DA-AMAS) under PRAS 23-0175

Author: DA-BAC | 2 June 2023

This serves as notice to the public that the requirement: Subscription of SMS Blast Solution for the Automated Dissimination of daily price and supply data of Department of Agriculture – Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service (DA-AMAS) under PRAS 23-0175 through NEGOTIATED PROCUREMENT (SVP) was awarded to MYBUSYBEE INC. with a total amount of  Four Hundred Forty Thousand Pesos Only (Php 440,000.00).

Please see attached links for reference.

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