Department of Agriculture (DA) Senior Undersecretary Domingo F. Panganiban and Assistant Secretary Arnel De Mesa met with Mr. Ben Mead, Chairman of BioPrime Agri Industries, Inc., and other officials on December 12, 2022.
BioPrime is a low-cost biofertilizer and soil conditioner that helps rejuvenate and accelerate plant growth rates and yield of rice corn, sugar, coffee, banana, cacao, tobacco, pineapple, vegetables, tree crops, and flower among others. It stimulates microorganisms to supply nutrients to feed the plant.
During the meeting, Mead presented the “BioPrime 5-5-5” and outlined their plans to build nano-fertilizer factories in the Philippines in order to increase fertilizer production and reach new markets internationally.
Since 2019, BioPrime underwent clinical and field demonstration trials with the DA-Philippine Rice Research Institute, farmer organizations, and agricultural state colleges including the Isabela State University. The experiments showed consistent increase in yields at 50% less inorganic fertilizer use.
Usec. Panganiban said the Department will review the BioPrime proposal, which also targets to provide more technical field staff in every region. ### (photos by Joseph Henry Elamparo, DA-AFID)