Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol meets with Black Donuts Engineering President and CEO Kai Hauvala (2nd from right) and Sales Director Tomi Pekkola (third from left) for a possible partnership on the construction of a $200 million processing and manufacturing facility in Southern Mindanao. The said project, once approved, is expected to fully operate after 2 years and produce around four to five million tires annually. Black Donuts, a tire manufacturing company based in Finland, will help in the construction, operation, and capability enhancement and training of farmers. Joining them (L-R) were Vice Chairman of Rubber Industry under NAFC Jerry Gil S. Murao, Chairman of Agricultural Land and Agro-Technology Development Philippines Incorporated Han Siew King and Interim Executive Director of Philippine Rubber Research Institute Rodolfo Galang. (photo by Ardy Tompong)